Disserving the deserving

    LOBBYING BY anonymity. This is really one for the books. But then, that’s going way ahead of the story…

    “We are calling on our presumptive President Rodrigo Duterte to consider appointing Dr. Alvaro as the next president of CDC. It is a known fact in the business, socio-civic and political circles that he is the best man to lead Clark and spur it to further development.”

    So “a group of traders, investors and local officials from Pampanga” endorsed Dr. Irineo “Bong” Alvaro, Phd, — “top Kapampangan businessman and Angeles City son” – as successor to the now nominated Transportation and Communication Secretary Art P. Tugade.

    So Sun-Star Pampanga headlined this Saturday.

    “The best man to lead CDC and propel it to further, much needed and awaited development,” pushed the group of the president of BBI International Leisure and Resort Development Corp. which operates the grand Midori Clark Hotel and Casino, and is also set to construct a giant water theme park at the Clark Freeport.

    Aside from his sound business sense, Alvaro has a doctorate degree in public administration from the Angeles University Foundation, definitively arming him with “the experience, expertise and capability to run CDC, with the big plus of integrity, as the former three-term Angeles city councilor and city administrator was never tainted with corruption or any other issues as a public servant.”

    Iterated the group: “Dr. Alvaro has never been connected to graft and corruption when he was a local official and public servant. He has the integrity, character and acumen needed to run Clark. A big factor here is that Dr. Alvaro knows all and is adept with issues concerning the CDC and the Freeport.”

    And reiterated for emphasis: “Having Dr. Alvaro at CDC will spell out the difference for Clark and the entire North and Central Luzon growth corridors. He is a strong advocate of development with the heart for the people and of course, business and progress for all. We hope that our incoming president would consider his appointment through a request we would formalize soon.”

    Yes, Dr. Alvaro is all that. I cannot agree more. In fact, he is more than that.

    Dignity became Dr. Alvaro during the incumbency of Mayor Francis “Blueboy” Nepomuceno when he opted to resign as city administrator rather than acquiesce to the “extra-legal imposition of the Kumander Sumulong-type taxation at Fields Avenue” reportedly perpetrated by the mayor’s three closest stooges known for the initial AMP.

    Indeed, “Alvaro AMPed,” so we wrote here then of the resignation, equally dishing out an opprobrium of Mr. Blue and his minions, and an encomium of Dr. Alvaro.

    No question about it. Dr. Alvaro has what it takes not only to be CDC president. He has the making of one damned good CDC president.

    No, I am not rooting for Dr. Alvaro’s appointment. I – and this paper – have no business lobbying for whomever to whatever capacity in government. That is beyond the pale of the press.

    The CDC presidency is fair game to the media. Ours is an adversarial – mostly, but fair – always, relationship with the stateowned body, religiously observed from the presidency of Tito Henson to Romy David, from Rufo Colayco through Serge Naguiat, Babes Singson, Manny Angeles, Tony Ng, Levy Laus, Benny Ricafort, Ping Remollo all the way to Tugade. None of them was spared the vitriolic ink of The Voice, Sun-Star Clark, Pampanga News, Luzon Banner and Punto! All of them were equally given their day in print, the positive developments they effected gaining unlimited mileage.

    But we respect the right of any group or any person to raise to the pedestal whomever they want to. To each his own hero or saint, we say. Impropriety though is written all over this headlined Alvaro lobby. So, who is doing the lobbying?

    “A group of traders, investors and local officials from Pampanga… which requested not to be named yet prior to its coming out in the open soon.” So reported Sun-Star Pampanga.

    The cloak of anonymity media readily blanket news sources under clear and present danger of reprisal by those they expose. It warrants no reason then for this lobby group to ask that they not be named – even, as yet – with their cause of Dr. Alvaro’s ascendancy to the CDC presidency being least perilous, and most pleasing, to their physical, social, or moral well-being.

    By coming out in the media faceless, this group showed they cannot even own up to any and all of the things they said about Dr. Alvaro.

    Thereby nullifying their very own advocacy.

    Theirs, as much in form as in effect, is an unnamed, unsigned petition. And what idiot, what more Duterte, would give that his least consideration, even if gospel truth be there inscribed?

    Besides, the incoming president himself has said any endorsement from politicians for any position in his government will automatically disqualify the endorsee.

    Rather than serving some good purpose, this lobbying only grossly disserved the truly deserving Dr. Alvaro.

    Mabiasa na ko mang mamasang balat kendi, as the resident streetside filosofo is wont to say. Can’t dig that? It translates to “Learn how to read candy wrappers.” Go, figure.


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