PRESS RELEASE from the “Clark Development Corporation/A member of the BCDA Group” dated 18 August 2014, as is:
Tourist arrivals high during 1st sem of ‘14 in Clark
CLARK FREEPORT—Despite suspension of hot air balloon festival this year, tourist arrivals in this Freeport has reached more than 750,000 in the first half of 2014, said Clark Development Corporation.
In the Mid-Year Report, the Tourism Promotions Office of CDC said that a total of 757,144 visited Clark in the first semester of the year of which some 414,197 were billeted in major hotels here.
The TPO reported to CDC President and CEO Arthur P. Tugade that with the arrival of guests and visitors in Clark hotel occupancy increased by 46 percent compared with the same period last year…
PRESS RELEASE from the “Clark Development Corporation/A Member of the BCDA group” dated 19 August 2014, as is:
‘Dramatic increase’ in 2014 Clark tourist arrivals
CLARK FREEPORT ZONE — The Tourism Promotions Office (TPO) of the Clark Development Corporation (CDC) said Tuesday there has been a dramatic rise in tourist arrivals this year, attributing most of it to some high impact and well attended events such as the MICE Conference and various sports activities.
In her report to CDC president/CEO Arthur Tugade, TPO manager Noemi Garcia said that Clark tourist visitors both domestic and international increased to 947, 227 from January to June this year, higher by 19.65 percent from the 791,599 arrivals recorded in the same period of 2013.
Garcia’s report also indicated that 568,904 of the total arrivals had been accommodated in various hotels inside the Freeport… “The occupancy rate was impressive as it increased by almost 60 percent from last year’s 283,632 for the same period,’’ she explained…
In just one, single day, tourist arrivals at Clark for the first semester of 2014 rose from 757,144 to 947,227. A helluva difference of 190,083 camera-toting, money-splurging, funseeking bodies there.
WOW! That’s no “dramatic increase.” That’s an other-worldly supercalifragilisticexpialidocious miracle! Making kid’s play of the Christ’s own multiplication of five loaves and two fish to feed “only” 5,000 men, not counting women and children.
No mere tilapia and pandesal but people multiplied here, sans cloning. Aye, aye, “Go forth and multiply,” so God told Eve and Adam. Aye, aye, tourists went forth to Clark, and instantly multiplied.
As things of this nature are attributable only to God, then CDC has God Himself – all Persons in Him: Father, Son and Holy Ghost – for President-CEO. Logic melding with faith there.
Read on and believe.
CDC’s Tourism Promotions Office reported in the August 18 PR that of the 757,144 arrivals, a total of 414,197 were billeted in major hotels at the freeport, bringing the occupancy rate to 46 percent.
CDC’s Tourism Promotions Office reported in the August 19 PR that of the 947,227 arrivals, a total of 568, 904 were accommodated in various hotels inside the freeport, raising the occupancy rate to 60 percent. Again, that’s a difference of 154,707 hotel guests and 14 percent in occupancy rate. Aren’t we witnessing here the dawn of a new Creation?
Furthered the PR of August 19: The TPO report said the remarkable increase this year also attributed to massive promotions via liaising, high travel fairs participation, networking and distributions of promotional materials and improved data collection on tourism statistics.
A total of 137,760 day visitors, 78,636 events and 59,124 educational tours has been recorded in the first half. Airport arrivals, on the other hand, were pegged at 240,563. WOW to the highest Heavens now! Note the immediately above paragraph: In only the first half of 2014, in only six months, in all of only 181 days, Clark successfully hosted 78,636 events and 59,124 educational tours!
That’s 434.45 events a day! That’s 326.65 educational tours a day! Truly, specific acts of divine creation at the CDC there. As in God making the heavens and the earth and all that is in it in six days.
Yeah, it could only be that God – Father, Son and Holy Ghost – is President-CEO of CDC. No mere mortal can transcend human finiteness and wield such acts of omnipotence. Yes, only God. Only the One God.
Or is there something devilishly wrong here? Some simple human error that assumed – in the mind of this blind CDC believer – divine dimensions?
Yeah, like lousy reporting. Asus, asus, asus. Truly, to err is human. And to multiply divine?