Home Headlines ‘Sabayang Patak Kontra Polio’ resumes in CL

‘Sabayang Patak Kontra Polio’ resumes in CL


As part of the national effort to enhance polio prevention in the country, the Department of Health Central Luzon Center for Health Development (DOH CLCHD), in close coordination with the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children’s Fund, announces the resumption of the Synchronized Polio Immunization Campaign in Central Luzon, “Sabayang Patak Kontra Polio.”

The Synchronized Polio Immunization Schedule, including Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays, are as follows:

The campaign aims to boost immunization against polio by giving doses of Monovalent Oral Polio Vaccine Type 2 (mOPV2) to all children under five years of age, (0-59 months old), regardless of their immunization status. To ensure interruption of polio virus transmission, at least two successive rounds of Sabayang Patak Kontra Polio will be done, each with an aim of at least 95% coverage to ensure NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND. The mOPV2 vaccine is WHO pre-qualified, safe, and with no concerns for over dosage.

The synchronized polio vaccination campaign is one of the essential health services needed to be delivered promptly, especially in order to protect the population from poliovirus infection. Amidst the COVID-19 health event, this mass immunization campaign shall push through with strict infection control precautions followed by all health workers and the community. Wearing of masks, disinfection, temperature check, and physical distancing shall also implemented.

The DOH is appealing for the participation of all parents/caregivers, health workers, Barangay Officials, and Local Government Units, for implementation of a quality campaign to successfully end the outbreak. Parents/caregivers are also urged to safeguard their child’s immunization card and make available for proper recording of immunization doses. Routine Immunization Schedules are to be continued as well, so as to prevent other vaccine preventable diseases.

DOH also calls on all local governments to intensify Acute Flaccid Paralysis Surveillance as evidence of contained transmission. Re-iteration of Zero Open Defecation practices, strengthening of environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, such as frequent handwashing are also of critical importance.

Vaccination is the best way to prevent the disease and its transmission. Sustained synchronized efforts of ALL must be ensured.


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