Home Headlines 70% of industries, businesses operational under GCQ

70% of industries, businesses operational under GCQ


CLARK FREEPORT – The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) regional information office announced that 70 percent of industries and businesses will be allowed to operate starting June 1, 2020 when Luzon transitions from Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) to General Community Quarantine (GCQ).

The transition will help pump prime the economy as long as they are guided by safety protocols being implemented by DTI, said trade and industry regional officer Warren Serrano.

Serrano made his statements as a recent guest on CDC’s radio-television program ‘Clark in Action’. He added that DTI will allow the following industries to operate: beverages, steel machinery (including repair), textiles, rubber and petroleum, electrical equipment, public-funded construction and transport equipment.

Also included are the manufacture of paper and tobacco products, mining and quarrying, e-commerce, admin services such as photocopying, banking and money remittances. Services for security, insurance, legal, accounting, management and consultancy, veterinary, and funeral will also be allowed.

Architectural and technical testing, scientific and research development, computer programming, IT equipment, publishing and printing, motion picture, rental and leasing, fashion designing, hardware and bookstores, flower and jewelry shops also fall under the category of allowed businesses.

Hotels are allowed conditionally for the accommodation of repatriates or used as quarantine facilities.

Those not mentioned have been operational since the implementation of MECQ such as those inside the Clark Freeport Zone.

Still prohibited during the GCQ are those whose businesses entail close contact and provide leisure.

The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) has recommended that Region 3 transition to GCQ from June 1, 2020 until June 15, 2020 following IATF Resolution No. 40, series of 2020.

President Rodrigo Duterte is expected to address the nation to formally approve the IATF’s recommendation.


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