Home Headlines Prelate urges media to propagate truth

Prelate urges media to propagate truth


BALANGA CITY Members of mass media were urged Sunday, on the occasion of the 54th World Communication Day, to always think of being the minds and voice of Jesus in sharing the “good news” and preaching “gospel truth.

“We urge our media people and social media practitioners to be responsible, truthful and non-partisan, and remember that mass media and social communications are means to promulgate unbiased news and insights,” Bishop Ruperto Santos said.

The Bataan prelate said that mass and social media should never be used for the proliferation of fake newsnor for irresponsible, offensive postings and misused for personal profit.

“They must always be at the service of propagating the truth and for the promotion of right, moral values and improving and enhancing life,” he said.

Santos said that the need and usefulness of mass media and social communications have been seen time and again, especially in this time of the coronavirus disease pandemic.

“With its proper utilization, we are informed, and in the end, transformed to be better and do the best,” the bishop said.

“Let us live what our Almighty God has commanded us: ‘Thou shall not bear false witness against your neighbor’ (Exodus 20:16), Santos concluded.




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