Unbeatable Pelayo

    “WALANG EL Niño sa Candaba.”

    Known for his loquacity, the Honorable Jerry Pelayo, appeared to have even overdone himself with this one, denying the very reality impacting the whole country right now.

    Was it only last Friday that we editorialized here the cries of the mayors of Pampanga’s fourth district articulated by Rep. Anna York P. Bondoc-Sagum on the need for immediate relief of the district’s farmers and fisherfolk from their sufferings wrought by the dry spell?

    But of course, Koyang  Jerry was not one of the mayors pictured with the congresswoman – come to think of it, he has never been found closer than a kilometer to her – and therefore is excluded from the El Niño-crying boys.

    Neither idle nor hyperbolic the Candaba hizzoner’s words though. Indeed, the town is coping with El Niño much, much better than most.    

    For one, it’s harvest season for the watermelons and melons Candaba is famous for. The crop, matured before the stunting effects of El Niño set in, promises to be as succulent as it has always been, the Koyang says.

    No dry spell could just as yet afflict the town’s up-and-up duck-raising industry: “We are now currently the major supplier of salted eggs and ‘balut’ to Pateros, heralded as the very capital of the ‘balut’  industry.”

    In partnership with a South Korean firm, the local government unit is at the very threshold of constructing a world-class resort hotel.

    “(The resort-hotel) will boost our eco-tourism thrusts and will complement our globally renowned ‘Ibon-Ebon’ (Birds and Eggs) Festival as this would have first class facilities like spas, wakeboarding, hotels, villas and restaurants that you will only find in Candaba.” So reported the Koyang.

     “And recently, we applied and got approval for the establishment of an economic zone in the town. If they have it at Clark Freeport, we will also have it in Candaba,” The Koyang much thrilled by the brightest prospects coming his town’s way there.

    Yeah, like buro proudly made at the Candaba special eco-zone for export to France as gourmet product. Escargot avec buro, anyone?

    Anyways, it is not hard to believe Koyang Jerry, no matter the seeming outlandishness of his verbiage. He is one – a rarity among politicos – who  walks his talk, who sticks out his neck at his every statement and keeps it – unscathed – after.   

    For indeed, “every industry in Candaba is alive and the people are well-prepared for the worst El Niño can inflict upon the land.”

    Never one to take the credit all for himself. Koyang  Jerry attributes this coping mechanism to “synergy manifested in the cooperation and unity of our people in Candaba.”

    Sa amin, buhay ang bayanihan (Among us (in Candaba), the spirit of unity and working together is very much alive),” he says. 

    Plus of course the “unstinting support” of Candaba’s second patron – after St. Andrew – President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

    Hence, Koyang  Jerry’s lamentation: “Sayang at hindi na siya (GMA) ang susunod na pangulo  (It’s a pity she won’t be president anymore).” 

    That, coupled with the hope though for the administration standard bearer Gibo Teodoro “para tuluy-tuloy ang serbisyo sa taong-bayan (for continuity of service to the people).”

    The presidential contest may still be far from decided, but the Candaba mayoralty race – even with the official campaign period yet to start – is already over. Simply by beating El Niño, by shielding his constituency from its ill effects, Koyang Jerry has decisively beaten all pretenders to his post.

    Gumaga ka, Gulapa.


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