Mimosa caddies protest medical check-up fee


    NO WAY. Mimosa golf caddies in a huddle outside their lockers. They vow not to pay the mandatory medical fee imposed on them by the CDC-controlled management.

    Photo by Ric Gonzales

    CLARK FREEPORT – Caddies at the Mimosa Golf and Country Club (MGCC) here denounced the medical check-up fee imposed on them by the management controlled by the Clark Development Corp. (CDC).

    Golf caddies said the P350 fee per person “is too much as they could hardly make both ends meet.” There are some 700 caddies in MGCC but about 400 who regularly reports for work.

    They said that the MGCC management “had not helped us when we sustained injury at work and now they compel us to pay.”

    The deadline of payment was set on May 12 and those who will not comply would be prevented from working, according to announcements posted by the caddy master.         

    The MGCC workers showed to Punto what the management have printed at the back of their identification cards (IDs) to stress that “no employee-employer” relationship exists between them:

    It said:  “[name of the worker]…is a certified Caddy of Mimosa Golf Course.  No employer-employee relationship exists between said caddy and CDC-SPRO as the former is paid directly by Mimosa Golf Course players.”


    In a phone interview, MGCC Golf Manager Lito Padilla told Punto that he was surprised about the complaints of the caddies. He said that the caddies asked for an extension last week and came up with the re-setting of the deadline on May 12.

    Padilla also said they received reports that some caddies “are not fit to work or are into illegal drugs.”

    “So the medical check-up is necessary. If you are not hiding anything, why be afraid of the check-up,”
    Padilla said they had to charge them of the medical fee “precisely because they are not our employees.”

    He said they also have to determine those who are still fit to work regardless of their age. Padilla said those who would pass the test will be included in the new set of caddies to be trained by the management.

    “This is done in good faith. We are charging a low fee to ensure the protection of players and caddies in our golf course.” 

    Some 50 caddies who spoke to Punto vowed not to pay the medical fee. They said those who are from an extension from Padilla “are only a few or about ten caddies.”

    They vehemently denied reports that some are involved in taking illegal drugs.

    “It’s too hard to work when you are into drugs, especially it’s so hot in the golf course,” they said.


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