Home Headlines SM Cabanatuan hosts Nat’l Disaster Resilient Month

SM Cabanatuan hosts Nat’l Disaster Resilient Month


THE CITY Disaster Risk Reduction Management Office (CDRRMO) celebrates the National Disaster Resilient Month through exhibits and demonstration at SM City Cabanatuan event center last July 4 to 6.

The exhibit showcased advance rescue equipment owned by the city government with public demonstration of basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), an exhibit tour explaining the use of rescue materials and audio visual presentation of accomplishments and training conducted by the rescue team.

Joanne Bondoc assistant mall manager said the event is not only providing information to the the public about disaster preparedness but also an inter-active and fun tour that can experience by the shoppers at all ages.

“SM has been very supportive to this kind of event as we believe that we can learn so much from this and we can save lives in the occasion of disasters. We would like to be part in attaining the goal of being disaster resilient city” said Bondoc.

On July 10 to 11, CDRRMO will conduct jingle making and singing for teachers, hiphop awit for out of school youth and students.

On July 24 to 25, there will be a Junior Recuer for elementary and high school students as training for basic life support and first aid.

On July 26, volunteers from different Barangays will be having a training and demonstration of collapsed structure search and rescue.

All this will happen at SM City Cabanatuan.

Princess Ann Salibe CDRRMO officer for research and planning said that all this efforts is through the dedication of the local government unit headed by newly elected Mayor Myca Vergara and initiated by her father Vice Mayor Jay Vergara and CDRRMO head Eugene Mintu.

“We inviting our fellow Cabanatuenos to be part of this noble projects as it aims the safety and resiliency of the general public” said Salibe.


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