Canadian to head Jocson’s aeronautics department

    ANGELES CITY – A former professor of a top aviation school in Canada will head the aeronautics department of the Jocson College Inc. (JCI) in Barangay Balibago here, a school director disclosed yesterday.

    Engr. Jonathan Palma, director of the JCI aeronautics and science department, said aeronautics engineer Dale Hambrook will head the team of “competent, experienced and licensed” professors of the school.

    Palma disclosed that Hambrook had studied and taught at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT).

    “BCIT is regarded as top aeronautics school not only in Canada but in the entire world,” said Palma. He added that JCI “wants to provide quality education through quality teachers.”             

    Hambrook, for his part, said he had joined JCI because they will provide their students with all the necessary equipment and materials needed for the three courses offered – aircraft maintenance technology, aircraft electronics technology and aircraft structure maintenance.

    “I don’t want students talking about something in school they haven’t seen until they graduate,” said Hambrook, who is married to a Filipina and is based here.   

     Palma and Hambrook showed to Punto the model planes and machines to be used by the first batch of JCI aeronautics students. They added that enrollment is now on-going and classes will start on June.

    Hambrook said his passion to share his knowledge is easier achieved due to the “completeness” of the equipment and facilities at the JCI.


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