Westfields hit anew

    ANGELES CITY – “It seems they really want to destroy the education and future of my two children.” 

    Thus said Lilian A. David as she assailed anew Westfields International School (WIS) here for allegedly refusing to give her two daughters certificates of good moral character needed in applying to other schools.   

    “Only one reputable school in Angeles had wanted to accept my daughters but it required us to produce good moral character cerificate for each of them,” said David in a phone interview on Wednesday night. She disclosed that the WIS had not acted upon their request for the said certificates.

    David added that the WIS officials had promised to call her early last week but failed to do so as of press time.

    “Why don’t they (WIS) tell us they would not give the certificates so that we know what to do next,” said David. She added that the WIS had merely issued certificate of enrollment to her two children — incoming first and fourth year high school students – on May 28.   

    A certain teacher Myla, who answered the office phone of WIS school principal Violeta de Jesus yesterday, said “what I know is that they gave recommendations” to the Davids. She faxed to Punto! a copy of a “Certificate of Enrollment” dated May 28, 2009 which certified “Ma. Katreen Dale David” as having “completed her ninth grade level” at Westfields and “is recommended for admission to fourth year high school.”

    “Myla” added that De Jesus is on leave and may be available to comment on Monday.   

    Meanwhile, Atty. Cyril Victor Bermudo, legal counsel of David, urged the Department of Education (DepEd) to “take immediate/appropriate action” on their complaint against the WIS “considering that the minor children involved in this case have been unduly prejudiced not only by the offending school but as well as by other schools impeding their transfer and continued education.”       

    Bermudo, in the same letter, added that “despite our follow ups, with due respect, your office (DepEd-Pampanga) or staff appears to have no knowledge of the existence of this pending case.” They  earlier filed a complaint before the DepEd main office in Pasig City against WIS in connection with alleged improper deliberation of final grades of graduating elementary students, denying David’s daughter the valedictorian award.  

    DepEd officials in the province could not be reached for their comments.

    Last month, David filed a criminal complaint before the Regional Trial Court (RTC) against five members of the WIS board and three others, including school principal De Jesus. 

    The hearing is set on June 22.


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