Home Editorial Contents “BECAUSE THE President wants it. From the beginning, I said that my...

“BECAUSE THE President wants it. From the beginning, I said that my agenda is the President’s agenda.”


Thus, spake Speaker Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo of her support to House Bill No. 8858 lowering the minimum age of criminal liability from 15 to nine years old.

Thus, crumbled RA 9344 the Juvenile Justice Law of 2006 – Arroyo herself signed into law – she hailed as landmark legislation of her presidency at that time.

Most telling – thus, lay shattered the democratic hallmark of check-and-balance among the three equal branches of republican government.

What the Executive wants, the Legislative gives. No reason, no question. That is the drift of what Arroyo said. The reduction of the House to a rubber-stamp.

The devolution of the Speaker into a mouthpiece of the President.

What democracy are we still talking about in this country?


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