“WE CANNOT even properly hold adults liable for their criminal off enses, now we want to hold 9-yearold children-in-conflict-with-the-law criminally liable as well?”
Kalookan Bishop Pablo Virgilio David succinctly articulated the injustice, indeed, the illogic of the bill seeking to lower the age of criminal responsibility from 15 to 9. Coming in time with the celebration of the Feast of the Sto. Nino, David’s words transcends the social and assume theological meanings.
His diocese being the ground zero of extrajudicial killings in the Duterte regime’s unforgiving extermination of the marginalized in its so-called war against illegal drugs, spot-on is the prelate: “For what? For being born in an environment of abuse? For being neglected or abused by abusive parents and being left to fend for themselves out in the streets? For being used by abusive adults in criminal activities?”
If the bill passes into law – as in all likelihood, with minions of Duterte dominating both legislative houses – “this Congress should be remembered in Philippine history as the most naive, heartless, and unchristian Congress we have ever had.” So declared the bishop, not without an anathema if we follow the drift there.
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines has long stood in opposition to legislative measures lowering the minimum age or criminal responsibility of children in conflict with the law.
Instead, the CBCP suggested the imposition of “stiff er penalties” on those who exploit children in the perpetration of crime.
The CBCP posits: “The sins and failings of the young and immature should not mar the possibilities of one’s future or stand forever in the name of an honorable and noble reputation that can, in later years, be very well built.”
Comes to mind the song —
Bless the beasts and the children,
For in this world they have no voice,
They have no choice…
…Light their way
When the darkness surrounds them;
Give them love, let it shine all around them…
…Give them shelter from a storm;
Keep them safe;
Keep them warm.