Home Opinion Jesus Christ hints on UFOs

Jesus Christ hints on UFOs


BUT WHO can deny that there are UFOs? Even heads of states have seen some. In this age of YouTube, there is no shortage of credible videos of UFOs as they seem to be having a fiesta in modern skies.

During the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fatima in 1917, UFOs have also been noted to appear in the skies. Are UFOs supernatural? Preternatural? Extraterrestrial?

Alas, there seems to be an answer to this mystery. And this, no less from Jesus Christ Himself, through His messages through Maria Valtorta.

So, a little information on Maria Valtorta first.

Please spare me some effort by quoting Wikipedia verbatim:

“Maria Valtorta (14 March 1897 – 12 October 1961) was a Roman Catholic Italian writer and poet. She was a Franciscan tertiary and a lay member of the Servants of Mary who reported reputed personal conversations with, and dictations from, Jesus Christ.

“In her youth, Valtorta travelled around Italy due to her father’s military career. Her father eventually settled in Viareggio. In 1920, aged 23, while walking on a street with her mother, a delinquent youth struck her in the back with an iron bar for no apparent reason. In 1934 the injury eventually confined her to bed for the remaining 28 years of her life. Her spiritual life was infl uenced by reading the autobiography of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux and, in 1925, at the age of 28, before becoming bedridden, she off ered herself to God as a victim soul.

“From 23 April 1943, until 1951 she produced over 15,000 handwritten pages in 122 notebooks, mostly detailing the life of Jesus as an extension of the gospels. Her handwritten notebooks containing close to 700 reputed episodes in the life of Jesus were typed on separate pages by her priest and reassembled, becoming the basis of her 5,000-page book The Poem of the Man-God.”

For a while, Vatican listed her work in the Index of Prohibited Books. This was later lifted during the pontificate of Paull VI. Many experts in various fields have hailed Valtorta’s work. Scientists found details in her work as precise, while theologians have proclaimed it as theologically sound. Valtorta is on her way to being declared Blessed by the Church.

So, what about UFOs?

Here are the words of Jesus Christ as relayed to Valtorta:

“Maria, now I will take your hand to lead you to the most obscure point in John’s book. The annotators of it have exhausted their capacity in many deductions to explain to themselves and to the multitudes who the ‘great Babylon’ is. With a human view, to which the jolts left by desired events or by events taking place were not unconnected, they have given the name of Babylon to many things.

“But how is it that they have never considered that the ‘great Babylon’ is the whole Earth? I would be a very small and limited God the Creator if I had created only the Earth as an inhabited world! With a beat of My will I have brought forth worlds upon worlds from nothing and cast them as luminous fine dust into the immensity of the firmament.

“The Earth, about which you are so proud and fi erce, is nothing but one of the bits of fine dust rotating in unboundedness, and not the biggest one. It is certainly the most corrupt one, though. Lives upon lives are teeming in the millions of worlds which are the joy of your gaze on peaceful nights, and the perfection of God will appear to you when, with the intellectual sight of your spirits rejoined to God, you are able to see the wonders of those worlds.

“Isn’t the Earth really the great harlot that has committed fornication with all the powers of earth and hell, and haven’t the Earth’s inhabitants prostituted themselves–bodies and souls–just to triumph during the earthly day?”

So there. I am certainly not an expert in any fi eld, but if I may be allowed to say a bit on my belief, based on other writings I have encountered about life beyond human graves.

It could be that Jesus was referring to other “planets” which are actually part of Heaven and inhabited by disembodied souls according to their rewards. I say this based on some testimonies of those who had died and went back to eartly life, in between experiencing flying through the universie and catching glimpse of such various planets whose denizens in divine euphoria.

Yes, UFOs could be explained by citizens of the heavenly planets visiting our earth, allowed by God to fulfill apocalyptic prophecies of signs in the skies. So, we see UFOs behaving outside the laws of nature, because in the first place, they are outside nature. They are supernatural.

Which implies that if some UFOs are supernatural, others could be preternatural?


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