Rotaract Dolores gives love this Christmas


    (Rotaract Dolores presents “Pamascung Pamagdake Saya 8” at the Tarik Suliman High School on December 9 and San Nicolas Elementary School on December 11. Contributed Photo)

    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – In the spirit of the Yuletide season, the Rotaract Club of Dolores presented “Pamascung Pamagdake Saya 8” at the Tarik Suliman High School on December 9 and San Nicolas Elementary School on December 11.

    The Rotaractors, assisted by the teaching force of the schools, distributed gifts from various donors through a Christmas party filed with fun and games.

    According to Rotaract Dolores adviser Maria Victoria L. Mercado, the project’s main objective is to spread and share the joys of Christmas with the grade 1 learners of Alauli (AES), Bagang, Balibago, Sagrada Familia (SFES), Nigui (NES), Sapang Kawayan (SKES) and San Nicolas (SNES) Elementary Schools thru a Christmas Party.

    It also aims to establish camaraderie among the participants by providing them an avenue to socialize which meant that pupils of each school were teamed with those from other schools except for SKES and SNES, she explained.

    Mercado said this year-end party celebration is important because we must realize that there are a lot of things that we should all be thankful for.

    “Life may have painfully pruned us, and it may have shaken our roots to test our limits, but at the end of it all, we see that God has never forsaken us. He has always given us hope by sending people who serve, love, care, like His Son, Jesus,” she stated.

    Mercado also said the Rotaract Club of Dolores has always believed in advocacies that would uplift the quality of life of the underserved.

    The project was in partnership with the Mirai Ni Kibou Foundation, Inc., Om Matua, Rotary Club of Dolores, Rotary Club of Central Pampanga and their Rotaractors as well as the Event Solution Portfolio and a host of private donors.

    Rotaract clubs bring together people ages 18-30 to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.



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