Home Headlines SSS welcomes Expanded Maternity Benefit’s GAA funding

SSS welcomes Expanded Maternity Benefit’s GAA funding


THE STATE-RUN Social Security System (SSS) on Tuesday welcomed the swift passage of the proposed expanded maternity benefit for female workers with identified source of funding during the bicameral conference committee held at the lower house yesterday.

The proposed law or the “105-Day Expanded Maternity Leave Law of 2018”, a consolidation of Senate Bill 1305 and House Bill 4113, has identified that the amount necessary to implement the Act shall be included in the annual General Appropriations Act.

“We are very thankful to the bicameral committee as they have seen the need to identify enough funding mechanism to fully implement the proposed law. We, at SSS, recognize their advocacy to provide better social security protection to female workers especially when they put their own life in danger during and after pregnancy,” SSS President and Chief Executive Officer Emmanuel F. Dooc said.

Under the proposed law, the current number of compensable days for maternity leave will increase to 105 days from 60 days and 78 days, for normal and cesarean delivery, respectively. Solo parents will enjoy an additional 15 days or a total of 120 days of maternity benefit. There will also be no limit on the number of times of pregnancies covered compared to the current limitation of four pregnancies.

“We have yet to compute the numbers for the said measure. We only have actuarial studies for the 100-day and 120-day proposals. In the actuarial study for the 100-day proposal, the maternity benefit disbursement will increase by about P3.6 billion in the initial year of implementation. But that study does not include the unlimited number of covered pregnancies, as well as the additional benefit for solo parents, so we also have to look into that. We’ll present the numbers from our actuarial study soon,” Dooc said.

Earlier, SSS actuarial studies showed that an additional 0.3 percent in monthly contribution is needed if the 100-day expanded maternity bill will be passed into law. So from the current 11 percent monthly contribution capped at monthly salary credit, it would have to increase to 11.3 percent. That would cover for the additional benefit disbursements to be brought about by increasing the maternity benefit payment period to 100 days.


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