Sabah banana


    Sabah is one of the thirteen states of Malaysia and is the northern portion of the island of Borneo. It is referred to as the “ island below the wind.”

    According to the Wikepedia, the name “ Sabah” is derived from different bases. It may be in reference to “ pisang saba “, a type of banana growing in the place, or a Malay word meaning “ upstream” or an Arabic word meaning “ sunrise.”

    The area is 76,115 sq km with a population of around 2.5 million. The capital is Kota Kinabalu, to and from which there are regular flights emanating via Clark on Air Asia. Although the economic data indicates that it is the poorest state among the other well developed Malaysian states, it is beautiful and environmentally well-cared for.

    Being very near, probably only 18 kilometers from Sulu, and due to the historical, cultural and religious ties with the area and its natives, there are many Filipinos who have settled there on a virtually permanent basis.

    The present issue with the Sultanate of Sulu claiming ownership and now forcing the issue after all these years by a group of around 200 who have entered the area with armed followers is now a hot political and diplomatic concern. Suddenly, the claim which was supposedly a “dead issue” is now the subject of historical, political and diplomatic turmoil.

    There are now many analyses and opinions regarding the situation. I have chosen to leave the legality and rights to the experts. Rather, I choose to focus on a peripheral dynamics of the situation. It is the method of acquiring territories by purchase by countries to expand their territories and economic resources.

    As one who has been involved in concept and practice in the real estate business for more than 40 years, I have always found it interesting and amusing the purchase by the Dutch settlers of Manhattan from the native Indians for the amount of $24 plus a few trinklets.

    This was in the 1600 years but to some it has remained as the greatest real estate deal of all time.

    ( Eat your heart out, Donald Trump!) The total present value of $24 is now supposedly $1,000., still a bargain by any standard.

    Still there are some who would say that it was the Indians who put one over the white men and not the other way. It seems that they sold Manhattan where they were just passing through and really lived elsewhere, in Long Island. Moreover, they did not believe in ownership of land and nature which belonged to communal rights and was not alienable.

    In 1803, the United States made the Louisiana Purchase where 2,140 sq. km. was bought from France for the sum of $15m, on installment, to acquire the largest territorial gain of the United States, roughly 25% of the country’s total area at that time.

    This includes all or part of 12 states and parts of Canada. The present value of the $15m is estimated to be $233m. This is just the value of one Dreamliner or legacy airplane.

    Alaska was bought by the US from Russia in 1867 for the sum of $7.5 m for an area of 1,518,000 sq. km.

    Secretary of State William Seward who initiated the purchase was attacked for the purchase of such a worthless wilderness and providing cash which Russia then needed. Today, Alaska has been included among the states and is providing the US with oil and other rich mineral resources.

    In the Treaty of Paris in 1898, Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States which paid $20m. Let me leave that as a fact for your processing. We will have other articles to share regarding this particular aspect of our history.

     Within this context, the agreement with the Sultanate of Sulu to lease or sell/cede ( depending upon your position) Sabah to Alfred Dent of the British North Base Provisional Association for the amount of 5,000 Malaysian ringgit per annum seems to be standard practice.

    This was later assigned in a series of moves to the Malaysian goverment which has now increased the payment to 5,300 ringgits. This is still being paid annually todate and is around Php 70,000 per year
    The Sabah issue appears to be basically economically focused and driven.

    This is the case for all the leaders of all sides and groups. It is sad and pathetic that religious, cultural and patriotic moltivations are being utilized to massage and message the followers and the public.

    And it is further complicated by the incompetence prevailing.


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