Hair lost

    “Sir, free consultation,” the woman at the shopping mall beamed, as she handed to me a brochure.

    I took the brochure and smiled at her. Instead of smiling back, however, the woman looked at me from bottom to top – that is, from my eyebrows up to the topmost portion of my forehead.

    When I glanced at the brochure, I understood the woman’s odd interest in me. The cover of the brochure said it all: Losing hair too much? Free hair consultation.

    Oops. I guess the girl noticed what was becoming obvious. At home, no matter how I deny it, my mirror on the wall is becoming too frank with me and telling me that I am really “gaining face.”

    So, summoning all the courage I’ve got, I opened the inner pages of the brochure as soon as I got home. The “hair facts” I read alarmed me. But fear soon turned into peace… or into an amusingly blessed assurance, if there is such a thing. Read on and you’ll see what I mean.

    Fact # 1: Women generally have more hair per inch than men, but men’s hair generally grows faster than women’s.

    I have a funny feeling it was really envy that drove Delilah to cut Samson’s hair.

    Fact # 2: You must lose over 50% of your scalp hairs before it is apparent to anyone.

    My ever faithful and loving wife constantly assures me that nothing is apparent yet. And, even if things get obvious, she’ll love me just the same, and I will still be the sexiest man on this planet and beyond.

    Fact # 3: The average human has 5 Million strands of hair.

    Didn’t Jesus promise that even the very hairs of our head are counted? I’d like to believe that includes even the falling ones.

    Fact # 4: Apart from its vulnerability to fire, human hair is almost impossible to destroy. It decays at a very slow rate, so slow it is almost non-disintegrative.

    Come to think of it, not only my hair is almost indestructible; my body, too. The Psalmist said it best: “You will not let your faithful one suffer corruption.” (Psalm 16:10).

    Someday, after this earthly existence, my whole life and not just my hair will assuredly be non-disintegrative. Eternal, Jesus calls that kind of life.

    When that time comes, hair consultations – even free ones – will no longer matter.

    I will be eternally sexy.


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