Under “Oplan Goodbye Bulate,” the DOH wants to prevent and control the spread of the human parasite known as the soil transmitted Helminths (STH) or what are commonly called “bulate” in the Philippines.
DOH 3 is targeting 1.2 million children all over Central Luzon for a 75.74 percent goal.
Gorgolon said STH is usually high in poverty stricken areas where there are inadequate sanitary facilities and water supply as well as poor personal hygiene.
The high prevalence groups include children ages 1 to 12 years old.
Gorgolon said infections of heavy intensity impair physical growth and cognitive development. It is also a cause of micronutrient defi ciencies including iron defi ciency, anemia leading to poor school performance and absenteeism in children and reduced work productivity in adults STH prevalence is 43.7 percent among children aged 1 to 5 years old and 44.7 percent among children aged 6 to 12 years old.
Partial results of the national parasite survey show that Region 3 has 40.47 percent infectivity.
Global strategies against the spread of STH include controlling morbidity, integrating control activities, and deworming women of child bearing age in maternal and child health services.