If running in 2016 PGKM urges CIAC chief to resign now


    ANGELES CITY — The Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM) has  urged Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC)    President-CEO EmigdioTanjuatco III to resign now if he intends to run  for mayor of Tanay, Rizal in 2016.   

    Reliable sources said  Tanjuatco has expressed his mayoralty aspirationbefore some close associates  as well  as confidantes at CIAC. But he  will only resign from his CIAC post as soon as  he files his certificate of   candidacy in October. 

    PGKM Chair Ruperto  Cruz said yesterday that  Tanjuatco should resign now. “Why wait until   October?”  he asked. “This  would even preclude any speculation or suspicion  of any campaign fund raising for him  and the Liberal Party in view of the reported P1.2 billion  allocated for the low cost terminal.

    If there indeed  is such, of  course.”“Whichever way one looks, it would be a disservice  to the Clark airport, to the people of  Central Luzon  and to all  stakeholders if he stayed  seated on his CIAC desk even as he has cast his  eye on the mayorship of  Tanay,” Cruz said. 

    Cruz added that President Aquino will take the  backlash in case Tanjuatco fails to deliver  on the  promises for the  Clark International Airport (CIA).  The PGKM has also assailed the pronouncements  of Department  of Transportation and Communications  (DOTC)  Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya who expressed  surprised by the study  made by the Aeroports de Paris. 

    “Aeroports de Paris designed a huge terminal  that is  beyond what  we thought would be  the actual demand. Our  struggle, we don’t need it yet,” Abaya said in published  reports.“The potential of Clark  airport is its land area and ready infrastructure. 

    Why is the design study  of Aeroports de Paris too big when we are thinking  of not only the present  demand but future development?” asked Cruz.  “In the case of the airport in Sangley Point that  is being pushed by Abaya, imagine we still have to go to Cavite just to fly out?” said Cruz. 

    The Kapampangans,  Pangasinenses as well as the Ilocanos have all  pinned  their hopes on  the Clark airport. It will be  a total waste and disservice if nothing is made  out of the promises for its   immediate and full development,”  Cruz said.

    Sangley is too close to the Ninoy Aquino International  Airport (NAIA)  in  terms of air distance. It is not feasible to put  up an airport there without compromising NAIA,  Cruz said. It would be better  to put up an airport at the Fernando Air Base in Lipa City, Batangas which could operate with NAIA and Clark simultaneously,  Cruz said. 

    The proposed Sangley  Point airport in Cavite is only for Cavitenos. It is  obviously driven by vested  interests and not a logical  location, noted Cruz. Deng gastusan na  king Cavite agawa na nala reng aliwang airport baka maka sobra yapa (The money they  will spend for an airport in Cavite can be used to build the other airports and maybe there can  even be surplus),” observed Cruz.

    “Safety of air passengers should be paramount,”he added.The PGKM also expressed its support to  the bill establishing the Clark Airport Authority which was sponsored  by Rep. Joseller “Yeng”Guiao (1st district, Pampanga) in the House and Sen. Bam Aquino in the Senate.

    FCruz said the  PGKM supports the bill which would hopefully be signed by President  Aquino. Cruz warned that failure of the President to  sign the Clark airport authority  into law would be   “his shameful legacy to his cabalens.”  


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