Investigate Luciano


    ANGELES CITY – The Pinoy Gumising Ka Movement (PGKM) is calling on the Commission on Audit (COA) to investigate Clark International Airport Corp. (CIAC) President-CEO Victor Jose “Chichos” Luciano in the light of confusing figures in the construction and upgrade of the Clark International Airport (CIA).

    The PGKM noted that in April, the Department of Transportation and Communications (DOTC) cleared a P1-billion loan from the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) for the expansion of the CIA.

    However, PGKM Chair Ruperto Cruz observed that only P360 million went to the actual cost of the expansion of the passenger terminal based on the public pronouncements of Luciano. In July, the DOTC was seeking another P1.3 billion for the upgrade of the CIA. Luciano said the P1.3 billion is on top of the P1 billion approved loan from the LBP which he described as “standby funds” for the further development of the CIA.

    Early last month, Luciano said another P7.2 billion will be allotted for the construction of a low cost carrier (LCC) terminal and its feasibility study is now being undertaken by Aeroports’ de Paris, the owner and manager of airports in the French capital.

    Then late last month, CIAC is again setting aside P1.2 billion for its capital expenditures in2014 to support its 30 percent target increase in passenger frequency. CIAC president and CEO Victor Jose Luciano, in an interview with a national daily, said “next year’s capex (capital expenditure) would be more than double the P600 million to P700 millionbudget allotted this year.”

    Cruz said the figures had sown confusion instead of clearing the air. But he said the PGKM is thankful for the construction of the passenger terminal even if it’s not enough. “Pasalamat tamu megawa ya ing terminal andyang malati ya mu (We are thankful the terminal was made even if it’s small),” he said.

    However, Cruz stressed that the COA should watch Luciano. He said “Luciano is a good follower but not a good manager.” He added that Luciano “will say bawawaw when ordered” just to keep his position.

    Cruz said the CIA was placed in an embarrassing situation recently at the height of Typhoon Santi. He said it is very lamentable to know that during the typhoon, a two-hour brownout ensued at the CIA because the generator had no diesel fuel.

    This is a sign that Luciano is a bad manager considering that he is ill prepared to deal with an emergency which he should have anticipated, Cruz observed. “Luciano is out to keep his position at all cost even to the extent of sacrificing developments in Central and Northern Luzon anchored on CIA as premier gateway,” Cruz said.

    He said because of the confusion, it is hard to understand why the CIA was late in its development when President Aquino in his very first State of the Nation Address (SONA) said his administration will develop all the airports.

    “With the inadequate terminal expansion, will the airport be expanded again in a few years?” Cruz asked.

    ‘Golden fence’

    Meanwhile, Cruz decried as “unnecessary” the proposed double fencing for the CIA which cost P400 million, part of the P1.2 billion CIA upgrade. “Is it a golden fence they plan to build?” Cruz asked.

    He said the CIAC is throwing away good money because Clark was a former US military base and the Americans erected cyclone wire and concrete fence around it as well as a drainage canal that even an armored tank cannot penetrate.

    This is compounded by manpower security forces which manually secure the area. The best that CIAC can do is to attach a perimeter intrusion system and CCTVs which cost way below P400 million, he said.

    Abaya hit

    Cruz also lambasted DOTC Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya whom he accused of “having vested interest” with the proposed seaport and airport at Sangley Point in Cavite.

    “Why pour money in the water?” Cruz asked when Cavite is situated at sea level as compared to Clark which is at 179 meters above sea level.


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