Home Headlines GSIS to release P3.7 B Christmas Cash Gift on Dec 5; December...

GSIS to release P3.7 B Christmas Cash Gift on Dec 5; December pensions to be credited early


The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) will release P3.7 billion in Christmas cash gifts to 358,310 eligible pensioners starting December 5. To help pensioners prepare for the holidays, GSIS will also credit December pensions two days earlier on December 6, instead of the regular schedule on the 8th of the month.

The Christmas cash gift, equivalent to one-month pension but capped at P10,000, will be credited directly to the GSIS eCards of qualified old-age and disability pensioners.

“The Christmas cash gift is our way of expressing gratitude to our pensioners who dedicated their lives to serving the Filipino people. We hope this benefit will make their Christmas celebrations more meaningful,” GSIS President and General Manager Wick Veloso said, stressing that the early release of the said benefits aims to bring added joy to pensioners this holiday season.

Entitled to receive the cash gift are old-age and disability pensioners under RA 8291, RA 660, and PD 1146 who are in active status and have been receiving their monthly pension for at least five years as of November 30, 2024. Those with suspended pensions due to non-compliance with APIR may still claim the cash gift after reactivating their accounts.

Meanwhile, the following are ineligible to receive the cash gift: pensioners who availed of a five-year lump sum and will resume their regular monthly pension after December 31, 2024; survivorship and dependent pensioners; pensioners who retired under RA 7699 (Portability Law); and those receiving pro-rata pension.

GSIS has introduced facial recognition technology in its GSIS Touch mobile app, making it easier for pensioners to complete the Annual Pensioners’ Information Revalidation (APIR) process, the annual proof-of-life requirement, without visiting GSIS offices.

For more information, pensioners may visit the GSIS website at www.gsis.gov.ph, follow the official Facebook page @gsis.ph, email gsiscares@gsis.gov.ph, or contact the GSIS Call Center at 8847-4747 (Metro Manila), 1-800-8-847-4747 (Globe/TM), or 1-800-10-847-4747 (Smart/Sun/Talk ’N Text).


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