Home Headlines 84 firearms ‘demilitarized’ in Fort Magsaysay

84 firearms ‘demilitarized’ in Fort Magsaysay


(Maj. Gen. Lenard Agustin leads destruction of firearms. Photo by Armand Galang)

FORT RAMON MAGSAYSAY, Palayan City – Eight- four assorted firearms, mostly rifles were “demilitarized” in a ceremony participated in by local chief executives and peace stakeholders here Tuesday.

Forty of the weapons that were captured, confi scated, surrendered or recovered from rebels in various anti-insurgency operations were destroyed by cutting them in parts and burning, said Major Gen. Lenard Agustin, commander of the Army 7th Infantry Division.

Four M-16 rifles were turned over to Police Brig. Gen. Ferdinand Garay, deputy regional director for administration of the Police Regional Office 1 after a check showed they belong to the PNP inventory.

“The serial numbers showed they belonged to the PNP so we have to return them,” he said of the firearms which were recovered in encounters in Carranglan, Nueva Ecija and Doña Remedios Trinidad in Bulacan.

The rest were being listed for further investigation.

In his message, Agustin called on local chief executives to mediate for the surrender of rebels in their area or they will impose the “full might of the law.”

He said President Duterte reiterated to Regional Peace and Order Councils (RPOCs) during their oath-taking Monday eve at Malacañang his resolve to end insurgency in his term.

Agustin is co-chair of RPOC in Central Luzon.


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