Home Headlines 5 arrested, drug den dismantled

5 arrested, drug den dismantled


BALANGA CITY — Police on Thursday reported the arrest of five suspected drug
peddlers and the confiscation of illegal drugs worth more than P80,000 that
resulted in the alleged dismantling of a drug den in this Bataan city.

Col. Romell Velasco, Bataan police director, identified those arrested as Arman
Manuel, Ruben Manuel, Arcenio Manuel, and Mark Darwin Santos, all of Barangay
Sibacan, Balanga City; and Michael Amigable of Orion, Bataan.

Velasco said elements of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Bataan PNP
drug enforcement unit, Balanga City police station and the 1st provincial mobile
force company conducted the buy-bust operation in Barangay Sibacan that also
led to the dismantling of a drug den in the area.

Recovered from the suspects, he said, were three small heat-sealed transparent
plastic sachets, two medium heat-sealed transparent plastic sachets, and one
small open transparent plastic sachet, all containing white substance believed to
be shabu.

Velasco said the illegal drugs weighed 12 grams amounting to P81,600. Also
confiscated were several drug paraphernalia and the P500-bill used as buy-bust

The suspects face charges for violation of Sections 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 of
RA 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act, the police provincial
director said.

Velasco lauded the operating teams for their continuous and consistent efforts
against illegal drugs. He said that the Bataan police with the cooperation of all its
support agencies, will always work as a team to ensure that the community will
be safe from drug proliferation.


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