3 more Reds surrender to Gov

    CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – Make it “Sta. Ana 47” now as three more rebels belonging to the Rebolusyonaryong Hukbong Bayan (RHB) followed the footsteps of 44 comrades in leaving the revolutionary path with their surrender to Gov. Lilia “Nanay” Pineda on Monday.

    Former President and now 2nd District Rep. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo was also on hand to witness the surrender at the Offi ce of the Governor.

    As with the bulk of surrenderees last July 18, it was former comrade “Ka Ross” who is now Sta. Ana Mayor Norberto Gamboa that convinced this new batch “to take the path of peace.”

    This time around though, the surrenderees yielded “better quality fi rearms” – one Uzi submachinegun, one M-16 rifl e, one .45 pistol and several ammunitions and magazines – than those earlier surrendered which were mostly improvised and reconditioned guns.

    In welcoming the former rebels back to the fold of the law, Pineda assured them of government support through the Comprehensive Local Integration Program (CLIP) to “facilitate their smooth transition to the mainstream of society.”

    Provision for skills development and livelihood training will also be extended the returnees, Pineda said.

    Pineda also cited the eff orts of Gamboa “that has greatly contributed to the peace and order situation in the province.”

    Col. Filemon P. Santos of the 703rd Infantry Brigade hailed the surrender as “a step closer in further enhancing peace in Pampanga”. “I am very happy because of the cooperation of Philippine National Police, Armed Forces of the Philippines and the local government,” he said.

    Santos noted that since Pineda’s assumption of the governorship, “not a single armed encounter between rebels and the AFP was recorded in Pampanga.”

    – Bong Z. Lacson with Philip Ocampo/ PIO Pampanga


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