Home Headlines 2019-NOVEL CORONAVIRUS FEARS Arriving pax at CRK closely monitored

Arriving pax at CRK closely monitored


CLARK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT – The Bureau of Human Quarantine (BHQ) is strictly monitoring arriving passengers here as the Department of Health stressed the need to enhance the “prevention side, especially in the emergency department,” for the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV).

Teri Flores, spokesperson of the Luzon International Premiere Airport Development (Lipad) which operates and maintains this airport, said they have sustained their usual number of personnel and have lent services like an isolation room and ambulance services to support the BHQ which is leading the monitoring of arriving passengers.

“For monitoring, the BHQ is taking the lead as per protocol,” Flores said. “Clark International Airport is fully cooperating with the quarantine in performing their strict monitoring protocols.”

On Wednesday, Health Secretary Francisco Duque III appealed to travelers with symptoms of respiratory illness, either after or during travel, to seek medical attention immediately as he called on health units to “enhance standard infection prevention and control practices” to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

The BHQ is implementing a strict monitoring of all passengers arriving or passing through in this airport as the country tightened monitoring for the novel coronavirus which has downed hundreds and killed 17 in China as of Jan. 22.

At the moment, the DOH is awaiting the results on the samples for testing sent to Australia from a suspected case who arrived in Cebu City from Wuhan, China, ground zero for the virus outbreak.

Duque said the DOH expects the result on Thursday, January 23.

Meanwhile, the DOH is advising the public to observe proper hygiene by practicing frequent hand-washing, avoid unprotected contact with farm or wild animals, practice proper cough etiquette—maintain distance and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the crook of your elbow, avoid close contact with people showing cold or flu-like symptoms, and ensure that food is well-cooked.


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