CHED to push MA degrees for college mentors

    ANGELES CITY- The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) is set to “strictly implement” its policy for state colleges and universities to hire only teachers with at least a master’s degree or an equivalent qualification.

    “Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore are already implementing this,” said CHED chairman Emmanuel Angeles at a press conference at the Angeles University Foundation here.

    CHED will help teachers already in the faculty of state colleges and universities get at least a master’s degree soonest, said Angeles who assumed his post last August.

    “We are implementing a massive faculty development plan so that we can leap-frog from 43 percent with master’s and doctorate degrees to about 50 percent by 2011 and 75 percent by 2015,” he said.

    CHED, he said, is reviewing and revising existing policies so as to attract teachers to pursue higher education.

    This, Angeles said, was among the reasons why he has asked Congress’s bicameralcommittee to insert an additional P1.5 billion for CHED in the already approved P1.4 trillion budget for next year.

    While CHED was given a budget of P1.5 billion for 2009, Angeles said another P1.5 billion would be needed to implement his plans and programs, including financial help to enable teachers obtain a masteral or doctorate degree.

    Angeles said that state colleges and universities have been required to match CHED’s faculty development grant on a one to one ratio.

    “We plan to allocate at least P500 million to help teachers get the necessary degree, and another P500 million for scholarships for poor but really deserving students. The scholarships will include books and meal allowances,” he said.

    He also announced that he has directed state colleges and universities to increase their scholarship allocations from two to five percent.

    Angeles also bared new thrusts of the CHED to promote research and development by increasing allocations for research and “funding priority to research programs submitted by a consortium of schools rather than individual schools”.

    He said CHED will now help schools in patenting discoveries and inventions of their teachers or students.

    “CHED will also support faculty members who will present papers in international conferences if the paper is reviewed or referred by international experts,” he said.

    Angeles also said his office will come out with an official list of accredited local academic journals.


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